本当にご無沙汰申し訳ありません m(_ _)m
いや〜 大変な世の中で全部コロナのせいに出来るなんて(笑)
I'm really sorry it's been so long.
I can't believe I can blame everything on Corona in this difficult world.I'm just kidding, but I'm sure you're going through a lot.
It's been a tough year... I've been flying around as if I could bounce back from it.
Of course, I had to finish the preparations to ask the accountant to close the books.
関係各位との面談やら商談擬き(笑) ボクのことは大体のイメージは掴めたのと
Before the "state of emergency" was declared again!
I was able to get a general idea of what I'm going to do, and
I think I've got a general idea of what I'm going to do, and a new "page" has been opened up. Of course, I couldn't have done it without all the help I've gotten! Thank you very much!
品川からの新幹線 記憶のあるVILLA!
The bullet train from SHI NA GA WA, the VILLA I remember!
Just me and one other person on the train.
There's a lot of things, isn't there? Really.
It was the same old "TOKyO". Thank you.